Which asana can injure this woman in your yoga class?
Let’s say this woman finishes her day of work and hurries to your yoga class. Which asana would probably be unsafe for her to do? And...

What’s wrong with this Plank?
What's wrong with this Plank? What injuries is this practitioner prone to? When your students hold themselves in Plank this way, which...

How I treated yoga injuries and ended up teaching yoga teachers to prevent them
5 years ago, while I was working as an osteopath in a yogic community in Thailand, one of my patients phoned me. I could hear tears of...

Why alignment cues can cause injuries
There is no such thing as correct alignment As each body is different, correct alignment varies drastically from person to person. Many...

Is your anatomy knowledge deep enough to lead a safe and injury-free yoga class?
All yoga teachers learn some anatomy one time or other, but many admit that they don’t fully understand how the human body works. Many...

Why many yoga teachers aren’t taught well enough about the human body
Yoga is a vast field of knowledge. 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Course (TTCs) and even the 500 hour TTCs are not enough to teach all...

What can yoga teachers do to be safer?
As long as yoga teachers don’t have enough knowledge about the human body, they have the risk of injuring themselves as well as their...

“Listen to your body” - Should you??
Anyone who goes to yoga lessons has heard this at least once. A student asks the teacher how deep to stretch, how far to bend, how to...

Fascia. The secret of deep forward bends
What is Fascia? Fascia is a connective tissue in our body, that surrounds our internal organs. It's made of bundles of wavy fibers, that...