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What can yoga teachers do to be safer?

As long as yoga teachers don’t have enough knowledge about the human body, they have the risk of injuring themselves as well as their students. The problem is that studying dry anatomy or learning from YouTube is not a real solution for yoga teachers who are passionate about being truly professional and trustworthy.

Osteopathy and yoga – a love story

yoga and osteopathy

Anyone who has ever been in acute back pain knows one of the best solutions is an osteopathic treatment. Osteopaths, specialists in skeletal and muscular problems, have intensive knowledge of anatomy and bio-mechanics.

It wasn’t until the last decade that yogis began to discover osteopathy – not only for treating their injuries but also as a field of knowledge that can support them in understanding the principles underlying correct and personally-oriented alignment.

Fascia – the missing link

fascia and yoga

There are many ways in which osteopathy can be a perfect base of knowledge for practicing safe yoga. One of the most valuable links between osteopathy and yoga is fascia.

Being a tissue that connects different body parts, fascia is a key factor in stabilizing yoga postures. Understanding the fascial lines in the human body can ensure maximum stability and safety in many postures, like Sirsansana, Ustrasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana, and more. The secret is to understand how to use them correctly!

“Un-learning” alignment

alignment for yoga teachers

If you have been to an osteopathic treatment, you know osteopaths are bio-mechanic experts. They know how to push vertebrae back into place, how to manipulate joints to re-align them, how to treat muscular imbalances and more.

An osteopath can teach you bio-mechanic principles that you can use in all your yoga postures. Instead of memorizing alignment cues for each asana, you learn the underlying anatomical mechanisms that are the basis of all safe and stable postures!

Understanding how the body really works is the key to learn safe, personally-oriented alignment.


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About Oren 
yoga and osteopathy

Oren Dotan, D.O, is an experienced osteopath specializing in yoga injuries. Being a dedicated yogi for over 15 years, Oren has lived in yogic communities and treated hundreds of cases of yoga injuries.


Throughout the years, he has developed a deep understanding as to why yoga injuries happen and how to prevent them. In this course, he integrates his vast anatomical knowledge with his diverse clinical and yogic experience, passing this precious combination onto yoga teachers who want to take their skills to the next level.


Check out this segment from the from the BBC reality show, The Retreat, in which Oren treats patients with various health issues:









When he is not teaching and practicing yoga, Oren also teaches osteopathy worldwide and at the Israeli Institute of Osteopathy.

"Ask any physical practitioner that treats yogis and you will hear the same thing: People get injured in yoga – a lot. As an osteopath who has lived in yogic communities in Thailand and India for the last 8 years, I have treated hundreds of patients that suffered from yoga injuries. It’s very sad to see how experienced yogis and even yoga teachers, don’t know enough about their own bodies to keep themselves safe. I have created Yoga, Anatomy & Alignment Course with a wish to help this change"

                                              - Oren Dotan

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