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Yoga, Anatomy & Alignment Course


for yoga teachers and dedicated practitioners

50 hour course of exploring of your body



  • Align your asanas individually in a way that is correct for your own body

  • Learn anatomical and bio-mechanic principles that will change your yoga practice for good

  • Experience everything you learn directly in your own body


Investing in your health and practice


This course is a golden opportunity to understand what you need to focus on in your practice so you can prevent pain and injury, strengthen your weak spots, and grow stronger and healthier.


Even experienced yoga teachers have gotten more intimate with their bodies, realized what their own weaknesses and imbalances were, and learned how to correct them.

yoga anatomy for yoga teachers

Investing in your students and your teaching 

  • Understand how to recognize potential setbacks and risks in your students' practice

  • Guide your students safely and responsibly by understanding their weak spots

  • Help your students understand what they need to work on individually and how they can align their bodies in a way that is therapeutic for them

yoga alignment for yoga teachers

10 Things you will get from this course 

(and 4 things you won't)

You will:


  • Feel the connections between different body parts and learn, by direct experiencing,
    how they influence each other


  • Learn how to correct your own pattern of muscular imbalance 

  • Understand how to implement simple anatomical and bio-mechanical principles to all postures

  • Learn about fascia and fascial lines and understand their influence on movement and stability

  • Develop stability and comfort in postures and learn how to teach your students to do the same

yoga anatomy for yoga teachers
  • Learn to recognize students who are prone to injury and learn how to help them

  • Develop awareness of different physical structures your students have
    and how they can create alignment difficulties


  • Learn proper alignment that allows students to relax even in the most complex postures

  • Feel the deep effects of personally-oriented alignment on mental and emotional states

  • Gain confidence in your ability to teach yoga with a deep perspective about the human body

yoga alignment for yoga teachers
yoga alignemnt for yoga teachers

You will NOT:

  1. Learn anatomy through books or dry lectures -
    Instead, you will learn it through your own body


  2. Memorize instructions of alignment for each posture -
    Instead, you will understand anatomical principles
    you can implement in each and every posture there is


  3. Stretch as far and deep as you can -
    Instead, you will be taught cues that direct you
    to listen to the limits of your body


  4. Hear the phrase:  “Listen to your body” -
    Read my blog if you want to know why...

yoga anatomy
yoga alignment
alignment for yoga teachers
yoga teachers
alignemnt yoga anatomy course
alignment for yoga teachers

“This course is MUST for all yoga teachers,
so they can lead their students safely and effectively" 


Darina Samuelova, Yoga Teacher

“This course has been, without exaggerating,

life changing for my yoga!”
Jitka Andrlova, Yoga Teacher


“I feel much more confident and competent


in my practice AND in my teaching”  



Nancy Huettig, Yoga Teacher



Oren Dotan, D.O, is an experienced osteopath specializing in yoga injuries. Being a dedicated yogi for over 15 years, Oren has lived in yogic communities and treated hundreds of cases of yoga injuries.


Throughout the years, he has developed a deep understanding as to why yoga injuries happen and how to prevent them. In this course, he integrates his vast anatomical knowledge with his diverse clinical and yogic experience, passing this precious combination onto yoga teachers who want to take their skills to the next level.

About  the teacher

When he is not teaching and practicing yoga, Oren also teaches osteopathy worldwide and at the Israeli Institute of Osteopathy.

yoga and osteopathy

“I started implementing Oren's knowledge
and some pains have started to disappear already!” 


Shane Chirag Sargeant , Yoga Teacher

“I feel much safer myself doing yoga...

I recommend it most highly!”


Laura Schikkerfling, Yoga Teacher


“Now I feel much more confident
to teach others!”    


Tamara Martinez, Yoga Teacher





Pay $150 today, and the rest upon arrival

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yoga anatomy alignment course

Koh Phangan, Thailand

9-19 January 2018

The course will be held at Koh Phangan, a magical island with a Yogis town called Sritanu - full of white-sand beaches, healthy restaurants, tropical fruit stands and events for a conscious Yogi community (from ecstatic dance to singing circles at the sunset).

The course will be taught at Jaran's, a beautiful yoga hall with view to the tropical forests and mountains.


koh phangan



Lessons will be given at comfortable hours in order to give the students an opportunity to rest,  assimilate the teachings and enjoy sunsets and night activities in this special yogic community.


January 9-14th:

10:00 to 12:30 - Morning session

12:30 to 14:00 - Lunch break and rest

14:00 to 16:30 - Afternoon session


January 15th: Rest, assimilate the teachings, enjoy the beach :)


January 16-19th:​

10:00 to 12:30 - Morning session

12:30 to 14:00 - Lunch break and rest

14:00 to 16:30 - Afternoon session

What do we get?

- Upon signing up, students get informational videos about basic anatomical concepts to help them get ready for the course.

- Upon arrival, students get a comprehensive 60 page Manual, to assist them in their studies and later on in their teaching.


- During the course, Oren uses a special 3D software that assists in visualizing the main anatomical structures relevant for yoga.


- Upon completion, students get a certificate and free access to guidance from Oren.

Investment: only 760$ !


Places are limited!

To ensure your place, register NOW for only $150
This is a non-refundable registration fee to save your place in the course.

The rest will be payed upon arrival.



Pay $150 today, and the rest upon arrival

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