Ensure your place by paying $150 today, and the rest upon arrival

But as we all know, some things are not measurable.
In your long career as a yoga teacher, can you weigh how much it’s worth for you to feel confident in your ability to lead a risk-free class?
Can you put a price tag on how good it feels to know you are credible and professional in your career?
Can you measure how much it’s worth for you to know that you truly give your students something unique – something that few other yoga teachers can give?
Do you know how to quantify the feeling of elation when a student comes up to you after class with sparkling eyes to say thank you for giving her or him truly meaningful guidance? Something that reduces her pain or allows her to practice more safely?
Let's do the math.
You probably already invested over $2,200 in your Teacher Training and a lot more in yoga classes throughout the years. Now you have a chance to upgrade professionally with an advanced teacher which will take your teaching skills to the next level for less than a half of the price of a TTC!
Some of the course graduates got students to love their classes more even before they finished the course!
Listen to Nancy telling us how during the course, while teaching a class, she already got a hug and a thank you from a happy student.
But let’s say that after the course you can get only one more student to love you per month. (Likely you’ll get more, but let’s say you only get one.) By the end of the year, you will have 12 engaged students more than you have now!
12 engaged students, coming every week, 4 times a month or more… you do the math.