Why many yoga teachers aren’t taught well enough about the human body
Yoga is a vast field of knowledge. 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Course (TTCs) and even the 500 hour TTCs are not enough to teach all there is to know. In many cases, the teachers of the TTCs are not anatomy experts. Even if the anatomy section in the TTC is taught by an experienced physician, many times he or she is not a yogi and does not adapt the anatomical knowledge well enough to the yoga practice.
And, of course, there is the evasive problem of alignment…

The evasive problem of alignment
Alignment is really important in yoga. It’s important to learn it, teach it and, of course, implement it.
The problem is that although many teachers feel that encouraging students to align according to a set of alignment cues promises them an injury-free class, alignment cues can actually be harmful.
For example, did you know:
“Open your chest” can cause a compression in the spinal column?
“Pull your shoulders down” can cause injuries in the shoulders, neck and upper back?