Anatomy can be quite dry… I don’t really know if I feel like spending my time learning boring stuff.
You are right! Anatomy CAN be boring. That’s why this course is not based on dry lectures.
It’s about learning to recognize muscles and joints in your own body, to feel the connections between them and their influence on your postures, movement and stability.

“Although I have practiced yoga for 15 years on a regular basis, this course has had fantastic benefits for me. Learning how the muscular, skeletal and fascial systems work in union and how it affects us doing asanas; how to activate certain muscles individually in order to prevent injury, get maximum benefit from our asana and increase stability… I started implementing this knowledge and some pains have started to disappear already!”
Shane Chirag Sargeant, yoga teacher, England
You will practice how to contract and relax different muscles willingly to change your whole body experience. And most importantly, you will learn only things that are SUPER-RELEVANT to your asana practice.
What do you teach about fascia?
Oren Dotan has developed a unique treatment method that he teaches all around the globe in which he uses fascial chains as a facilitator of healing.
Being both an osteopath and a yogi, Oren implemented his knowledge of different fascial chains in his yoga practice, which he willingly shares in this course with you….

“Understanding what muscle to use in the posture and the fascia lines that connects them allows the posture to be strong, pure, with no pain and with ease. My body is ever so thankful to be learning how to work within its natural means.”
Tara Wilson, yoga teacher, Canada
"Oren has a way of integrating the scientific knowledge of anatomy and fascia as well as the spiritual aspects in yoga”
Markus Kaufmann, yoga therapist, Germany
Why is this course taught by an osteopath?
​Well, this course is actually taught by an osteopath who is ALSO a yoga teacher. But in case you are still wondering:
Osteopaths are bio-mechanical experts
Osteopaths treat people’s bodies and understand the mechanisms of injuries
Osteopaths are one of the biggest experts in fascia
We’ll let the testimonials talk for themselves, if it isn’t clear how an experienced osteopath that has treated hundreds of yoga injuries can teach you how to prevent them!
My body is ever so thankful… Constant low back pain is quickly subsiding in only 10 days of Oren’s training.”
Tara Wilson, yoga teacher, Canada

“It is definitely worth taking this course, even (and especially) for experienced yoga teachers. Now I not only understand but I also feel my body much better!"
Markus Kaufmann, yoga therapist, Germany
Is it going to be hard?
Well… we wouldn’t say hard, but it’s intense. You will get a lot of new information, your body will process new sensations and if we rely on what students said in the past, we can admit that they felt amazed by how much they learned.

“This course has been, without exaggerating, life changing for my yoga!...
I could not recommend this course enough!
Thank you a million!”
Jitka Andrlova, yoga teacher, England
I am not a yoga teacher. Can I join?
The course is intended for yoga teachers, but in each course I want some practitioners who are not yoga teachers to join. This variety helps the teaching! Everybody brings themselves and their bodies and their patterns of movement to the space of learning and practice.
So if you are a dedicated practitioner, contact me and we will see if you can fit the group!

"Oren has a wealth of knowledge and practical experience which made this course rich and very valuable – useful and practical. The information is so valuable and so needed… Don’t hesitate to take this course – you won’t get this kind of valuable and important information elsewhere!”
Pat Hawkins, yoga teacher, Canada
Do you teach this course online?
I don't teach dry anatomy or standard alignment cues. I teach how to feel the anatomy from within and to understand how to use your body in a way that is good for your specific needs.
I need to see your bodies and show you things that are relevant for YOUR bodies, and make sure you get it right.
That way you can learn anatomy and alignment principles from DIRECT experience.
When you learn that way, you really KNOW anatomy and alignment, and you can pass this deep knowledge on to your students.
“In this course, Oren not only shares an immense amount of knowledge but also gives you the chance to embody it through direct experience”
Verena Ledig, yoga teacher, Germany

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Ensure your place by paying $150 today,
and the rest upon arrival